Our Lady’s Triumph – Something Wonderful in Store for Us

Triumph of Mary's Immaculate Heart.

“My Immaculate Heart will Triumph.”

Greetings to all during this glorious Christmas octave, a festive time in which we should recall the many reasons to be grateful for all the gifts from God’s bounty. Along with the blessings of our creation, redemption, and sanctification, we should acknowledge the bright, splendid future that awaits us, pending Our Lady’s Triumph, following the consecration of Russia.

This would be the ultimate Christmas gift, and if Fr. Paul Kramer is correct, may be on its way soon. According to him, St. Padre Pio knew the 3rd Secret of Fatima through mystical revelation. That illustrious saint told his spiritual pupils that children born in the 1950s would see the triumph come into fruition. If this is true, those children have now reached their eighth decade, approaching the end of their lives, making the triumph almost upon us.

I’ve noticed that folks aren’t terribly optimistic about the reality of such a joyous occasion, given the lack of a proper consecration of Russia. While it’s true that we’re almost out of time, and do not enjoy the governance of a legitimate pope (making consecration temporarily impossible), there is still cause for hope. We will suffer a chastisement (perhaps already upon us), but Our Lady promised she would triumph, a guarantee of exceptional weight for her devoted sons and daughters.

How will this manifest, and what will life be like for those who live to see it?

Behold some of the many magnificent ways the world will transform once the Immaculate Heart of Mary Triumphs, finally ending Satan’s vicious 100-year war.

Nine Ways Our Lady’s Triumph Will Heal the World

1) An End to the Ability to Wage War

Fr. Nicholas Gruner believed that once the Triumph of Our Lady arrives, it will fulfill this lesser-known prophecy from the minor prophet, Micah, concerning a cessation of all war:

“And he shall judge among many people, and rebuke strong nations afar off: and they shall beat their swords into ploughshares, and their spears into spades: nation shall not take sword against nation: neither shall they learn war any more.”

Imagine that for a moment. Man will lose even the ability to learn the art of war, let alone fight one. This has never happened in the history of humanity, and we should remember that all holy scriptures must be fulfilled before the end times. What a contrast a warless world would be from the previous 125 years, where democide (death by government) consumed as many as 300 million lives.

We can look forward to the end of all the miserable methods of killing one another . . .

  • Genocides – Gone
  • Wars – Gone
  • Ethnic Cleansing – Gone
  • Gulags, Concentration Camps – Gone
  • CIA, FBI, FEMA, All Other Terror Groups – Gone
  • MK Ultra & “Psyops” – Gone
  • Bill Gates’ Malaria Blankets – Gone
  • Deadly Injections – Gone
  • Eugenics of Any Sort – Gone

Can you even fathom a world without such murder, given what we’ve endured throughout everyone’s living memory? The victory of Mary ends all of that iniquity, cultivating an unprecedented era of peace not seen since before Cain murdered Abel.

Map of skulls in Cambodia.
A “map of skulls” at the Tuol Sleng museum in Cambodia, courtesy of Khmer Rouge communism and genocide. It would be nice to be rid of this horror once and for all.

2) Elimination of Trans-Jennerism

Bruce Jenner before "transitioning."
With Mary’s triumph, the athletic fellow on the right, Bruce, will have to stop pretending to be a woman for no reason.

Do you remember 15 or 20 years ago when at least 80% of society considered transvestism, cross-dressing, and all the other LGBQT_FAG behavior a disorder or perversion? My, how things went uber-deviant so rapidly. Yet, the old status quo will return.

The world will acknowledge “gender identity dysphoria” as a mental illness. All those affected will receive confinement in an insane asylum. Parents will not allow young boys to stick out a limp wrist without correction, whereas women will wear dresses and present themselves in a modest, feminine manner.

3) A Definitive End to Abortion Culture

This is almost a mirror issue of the first item (global democide), but deserves its own category because of the tremendous sloth we’ve taken toward it. Even if you believe the extremely conservative numbers on Wikipedia, the world commits tens of millions of abortions per year. Either people have gotten magnificently stupid about “accidental pregnancies,” or the world really has undergone a deep diabolical disorientation.

Most of my readers know that Russia (the purveyor of many “errors”) spearheaded this massive death culture in 1920, by legalizing abortion. This is also how it must end with that nation’s conversion to Catholicism. Fortunately, once that occurs, we will never again see laws that allow murder of any sort, least of all against the unborn. 

4) Your Food Will Improve Tremendously

Bad foods make you sick.
Children are fat because the world’s food makers peddle poison to them.

Praise be to God, we’ll no longer have to consume foods riddled with toxic preservatives once the various industrial complexes cease to exist. Instead of having all food soaked in poisonous vegetable, sunflower, or canola oil, food producers and preparers will stick to wholesome solutions like coconut oil, lard, butter, and ghee. Health maintenance will be much simpler once again, grounded in nutritious foods, derived from sustainable farming and harvesting techniques. No longer will we have to endure the merciless “efficiency” fetishism of today’s major food manufacturers. For that matter, no one will ever think of it as “manufacturing” what we eat.

Also, I suspect there would be a rampant decrease in afflictions such as Crohn’s Disease, autism, most cancers, and anything else exacerbated by all the chemicals/carcinogens heaped upon us. Once we resume the consumption of nutrient-rich whole foods, free of unpronounceable ingredients, many of those conditions will retreat into obscurity. Needless to say, there will be far less apprehension over how to acquire “diabeetus testing supplies.”

5) “Bye-Bye” to Hamster-Wheel Jobs

Working on a hamsterwheel.

Over the past several decades, both men and women have found themselves in jobs, which are almost totally devoid of point and purpose. Most folks are “employees” who labor for insufferable bosses, and equally aggravating coworkers (and God save you if you ever have to manage others). To make matters worse, almost all job sites are coed, creating a bevy of sexual/social headaches, previously unimaginable. Then, I could devote several pages to how rotten and fruitless the work has become, to say nothing of the paltry, inflation-exhausted wages we receive.

Oh, what a joy it will be to witness an abrupt end to this torturous plight.

Work will once again become a source of agency for everyone for several reasons. For one, it may become substantially more physical, demanding, and difficult, given whatever scarcity we’ll encounter (post-chastisement). The first few years of a new economic and social structure are bound to be rough.

Let us resist the impulse, however, to imagine this as hippies living together in a commune. That’s a caricature of what we should expect. An authentic Catholic culture, to the contrary, will match Professor Plinio Correa de Oliveira’s concept of an organic society. If you’re unfamiliar, then please check out that link for much more background. It explains the Catholic and traditional way to handle everything from government and politics to customs, traditions, professions, and guilds.

In short, Catholic culture will return to family-driven businesses (“mom and pop shops”), departing from the wage slavery and artificial scarcity, concocted by the Freemasons, Marxists, and Jews.

6) Young People Can Discern Vocations Again

Have you noticed how this has been such a miserable endeavor for young folks lately?

The decision over what to do with one’s life has become more difficult than an entire booklet of calculus equations. That’s because the world has ruined young people’s lives through satanic inflation, sodomite domination of Catholic seminaries, divorced and broken families, and the collapse of observant religious orders.

Communist sexual perverts will no longer operate all the world’s universities, businesses, media, and political structures. The world will return to a time where it was safe to raise children, all the way to mature and productive adulthood.

It will, of course, take quite a chastisement to extirpate all the world’s totalitarian fags, however. Our Lady’s triumph will resemble the birth of Jesus, where all sodomites met their demise.

Mary’s Triumph will make it safe and peaceful for young people to plan their lives, according to God’s providence. That’s not just my mere conjecture, either. This was yet another opinion expressed by the learned priest, Fr. Paul Kramer, when he was asked what young men (discerning the priesthood) should do, given today’s horrible antichurch environment. You can see his explanation of the matter at this important conference.

7) No More of the “Battle of the Sexes” Culture

Related to the previous point, we will no longer suffer such vehement animosity between men and women. Although the effects of original sin will remain, we can expect men to be masculine and women to be feminine. The grotesque distortions, known as soy boys and “strong, independent lesbians” will be a relic of the past. Moreover, every destructive wave of feminism will dissipate into a calm sea of loving familial relationships.

“Does that mean women won’t have the right to vote?”

Yes, and they should not desire it; nor should men. Our Lady’s Triumph will usher in a new epoch, free of totalitarian, banana-republican, Frankenstein-democracies. Nobody will waste their time mulling over the phony and contrived “right to vote.”

8) No More Income Taxes, Property Taxes, or Other Communist Innovations

Sheering the sheep.

Federal income taxes, state income taxes, property taxes, gas taxes, inheritance taxes, sin taxes, corporate payroll taxes, FICA taxes, value-added taxes, capital gains taxes . . . on and on and on.

It’s amazing anyone has any wealth; that it hasn’t been totally confiscated by the various freemasonic government units. Plus, when they can’t tax you directly, they sneak behind you and devalue the money in your wallet by increasing the money supply (and giving it all to usurious banks).

Is it any wonder that people can’t balance their budget, or that there’s indebtedness at every unit of analysis (people, businesses, sovereign states, and so forth)?

Is it a coincidence that these horrible inventions all coincided with the disintegration of Christendom, and rise of Freemasonry and Jew-ism?

Well, it won’t matter much longer since these confiscatory items will have no place in The Glorious Age of Mary. The world’s accountants, with no more perfidious taxes to decipher, will have to discover something else to do with their lives.

They’ll survive. Everyone will thrive.

9) Destruction of the AntiChurch & Full Restoration of the Authentic Catholic Religion

I saved the best for last.

Holy Church will yet again provide for the abundant availability of the Traditional Latin Mass. On the other hand, the Novus Ordo version, along with everything from the 2nd Vatican Council, will be abolished, and superior worship will resume, for the greater glory of God. The short-lived reign of terror, forged by the Annibale Bugninis of the antichurch, will become a historical footnote. Nobody, ever again, will even think of receiving Communion in the hand, or obtaining it from an Eucharistic Monster.

Even better, there will be no viable alternative to the Catholic Religion. Nobody will deny the Queenship of Mary, the social Kingship of Christ, or the existence of God. Russia’s consecration will also spell the end of the pointless politically driven schism, known as Eastern Orthodoxy. All dedication to the innumerable heresies and schisms (of the past 1,000 years especially) will vanish in the blink of an eye.

Honorable Mentions

Before concluding, I should mention some other minor perks that will come about after the destruction of our current secular paradigms. There are too many to list, but here are a few obvious things that will not exist in the post-triumph era.

  • Up-Selling Contractors – Nobody will bug you to buy useless junk when you hire them to fix your plumbing, roof, or vehicle.
  • “Public” Schools – This concept isn’t terribly old (originating in Prussia); nobody will miss it.
  • Internet Pornography – It will be much easier to tell if someone tries to create smut. Anyone who attempts it will be captured and burnt at the stake.
  • Planned Obsolescence – A Catholic society, built on love for one’s neighbor, will have no room for the manufacturing of cheap items, designed to break prematurely. As a corollary to this, more folks will focus on repairing their existing belongings, before purchasing new stuff. 
  • Illicit Drug Production – While the Triumph of Our Lady will not be a complete utopia (the “vale of tears” will remain), it will be exponentially better. You won’t have to live in a world that encourages drug usage and excessive drinking. People will respect the reality that drunkenness and mind alteration constitute grave sin, and ruin lives.
  • Other Unhealthy Obsessions – We will also enjoy the termination of the bizarre infatuation with pets/animals (so-called “fur babies”) and every other fabricated alternative to healthy human relationships.

Conclusion: Let us Be Grateful

So, since this momentous triumph is almost upon us, we should repeat the words of the psalmist, in celebratory praise:

“Let us give thanks to the Lord for He is good, for His mercy endures forever.”

We’ll still need to remain vigilant in the meantime. So, don’t neglect your daily Rosary (15 decades), fast from meat at least every Friday, and continue to travel to attend the nearest traditional Mass.

Merry Christmas!

Gloria in excelsis Deo, et in terra pax hominibus, bonae voluntatis.


  1. mfranch2017 says:

    Merry Christmas and thanks for your latest article, Chris! I wonder if electricity, technology, the cinema, the mass media, the Internet (including social media) and synthetic medicine will continue to exist after the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart, or will they become things of the past.


    1. Chris Munier says:

      It’s difficult to tell which of our modern conveniences will continue (and it what capacity) following the drastic changes that are bound to occur from the chastisement alone. Perhaps if we focus on detaching from things, to the best of our abilities, those initial months and years of the new era, will feel less painful.


  2. T says:

    Will Jesus be there or will we live a long life without His personal presence? I mean in a greater capacity than the Eucharist?

    I look forward to when He comes back.


    1. Chris Munier says:

      If Fr. Kramer’s testimony is correct, then it would be far better than it is now because young men would be able to pursue their vocations much more freely. This means they would have the liberty to enter orthodox (not modernist) seminaries, which would instill in them a tremendous love for the Eucharist. They would then share that love with the folks they shepherd by offering abundant opportunities for Holy Mass, adoration, exposition, processions, and more. We would no longer have to endure the artificial scarcity of that the faithless clergy inflict on us.


  3. chuck says:

    It was Frs. Gruner and Kramer with Robert Sungenis that made known that the consecration would not happen until the 3rd secret was to be revealed first. https://gloria.tv/share/AqjGyFSCEeiv2MVQnTTF3tL2M#405

    And this wouldn’t occur until a major war would break out in the middle east, with Iran in particular as the country involved. They also said it was because Our Lady was insulted that the 3rd secret was not revealed by 1960. It would appear this might be sooner than not. This video was in 2012 I believe, before +Francis.


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