Audit Catholic Sacristies Now! Fake Wine Recall!

It is my unpleasant duty to inform you that the preponderance of the Catholic hierarchy is stupid, evil, or both.

Now, we suffer a legitimate possibility that some of the Masses we’ve attended were invalid because . . . the priest didn’t use the correct wine for a valid consecration

That’s at least the case in the Archdiocese of Kansas City, where the archbishop had this to say . . . 

“It has recently been reported by two priests, having served in three different parishes, that upon their appointment to these parishes they soon discovered the long-term use of wines that were in fact invalid matter for the confection of the Eucharist,” Archbishop Joseph Naumann noted in a May 31 letter obtained by The Pillar. 

As a result, he wrote, in those parishes, “for any number of years all Masses were invalid and therefore the intentions for which those Masses were offered were not satisfied, including the obligation pastors have to offer Mass for the people.”

“This is a gravely serious situation for which we must now petition the Holy See for guidance on restorative matters.”

For more on what constitutes valid wine, consult this resource from Fr. Z, where he comments on the cruelty of this oversight. You don’t, however, have to be a sommelier to select communion wine.

Evil Clergy in an Anti Church Do Things Like This

Cardinal Bernardin; not your buddy.
. . . not your buddy (Cdl. Bernardin).

How have we gotten to where the Church’s sacred pastors would risk the salvation of souls, by using illicit wine (of all things), rendering Holy Mass invalid?

Yes, and it’s because they HATE OUR GUTS and HATE THE CHURCH! Most of them, perhaps, want you in hell.

This is such a fundamental component of the Church and Her liturgy. There’s no way you can blame it on some careless oversight. That would ignore all the other wicked hijinks from these clerical knot-heads.

Here are a few reminders:

  • “We” Baptisms – where the priests couldn’t even pronounce the simple words of baptism correctly. Are you surprised they get Mass wrong? “We” can’t even handle baptism any longer.
  • Pocket Mama Idols – recall how one of them even had the gall to tell us it was the Blessed Virgin.
  • Phallic-Shaped Dispensers – for administering the Eucharist During the Scamdemic
  • Western Grandmama “Smudging” Ceremony – More idolatry from Bergoglio and several cardinals; where he wore the feather headdress and enjoyed a pagan ritual.
  • Guitar Benedictions – to say nothing of sermons from rapping German priests.
  • . . . even the potential enthronement of the Church to Lucifer. “But that’s a conspiracy theory! Dur!!!!”

Folks . . . do you have eyes to see?

Are those enough examples? Am I still referencing random incidents with no coherent pattern or trend?

Well, one last example then. Our beloved pedo-clergy also shut down the Church, depriving people of confession, the Eucharist, and last rites for SEVERAL MONTHS during the scamdemic. Shall we let them off the hook for that, too? If so, then the floggings will continue until morale improves.

Solution: Audit the Sacristies; Avoid the Antichurch’s Bad Wine

Snake in a wine bottle.
Ssssssssurprises with ever sssssssip.

Our Lord warned us to avoid the unleavened bread of the pharisees, which refers to their horrible doctrine. Today, we must literally avoid the wine of the anti-church, because the wicked, doctrine-less clergy couldn’t resist further mockery.

There’s a sad sense of irony that protestants may have been quasi-correct about idolatry and the Eucharist. That’s if, and only if, Catholics find out their Mass has invalid species . . . and continue going to worship a fake Eucharistic, anyway. I hate to say it, but Boobus Catholicus probably will.

Now is as good a time as any to reflect on the name of this website, by the way.

At any rate . . .

WE MUST AUDIT THE SACRISTIES! People need to get in there and check bottles for proof levels, types, purpose, and everything Fr. Z mentioned. Pull up the “specs” and make sure your dufus Novice Order pastors (and even the good ones) have the right stuff.

You cannot afford to trust (without verifying) that the clergy have the correct wine. If this could happen in Kansas City (where there’s a higher proportion of traditional/conservative Catholics) how confident are you about the parishes nearby?

Even if you don’t attend Mass at a “bad-wine parish,” this affects your ability to adore Our Lord. Mark my word, if the Mass was invalid (because morons couldn’t get the wine right), then Jesus is NOT there under the appearance of bread in the tabernacle or monstrance.

This is an action item, folks. You’re going to have to put away the coloring books and do something here. We all must participate. Otherwise, these fag clergy are going to continue to have a riot laughing all day while more souls fall like snowflakes into hell.

We will have to do this ourselves.

Why is that? Well, we’ll see if Archbishop Naumann’s call for an investigation works. This will show us if the bishops care at all (my money’s on “no”). Once they refuse to do so, then we’ll enjoy even more clarity on just how rotten and hateful they are.

Even Food Companies Would Audit/Recall During a Crisis

Product recall alert.

If this were a food-production facility, and it involved foreign material in their product, the companies would voluntarily submit to a product recall and undergo an enormous investigation. I know this because I’ve managed QA in poultry processing. This happens more often than you’d think.

Whenever a metal detector malfunctions, and grounded chicken doesn’t get the benefit of metal detection, they shut down the machine. Then they condemn thousands of pounds of product (back to the last passing metal detection check) and lose lots of money from it. If they don’t do this, they’ll be in for a world of hurt (loss of the marks of USDA inspection).

Will the bishops take this Kansas City crisis seriously and invoke a full recall or audit? Time will tell . . .

Don’t forget, you could end up in a hospital somewhere, dying and in need of the last rites, with no access to real viaticum (from a real Mass). You can’t hide from this issue, my friends. Souls are indeed at stake. Do you take the validity of the sacraments seriously or not?

The modernists love to sing that sappy and ridiculous hymn, “Come to the Table of Plenty.” It’s among many hymns, tailor-made, to make you feel as queer as a three-dollar bill. Let us be sure, however, that without the Holy Eucharist, you accomplish nothing more than a cheap visit to a hollowed-out table of scarcity.

A More Hopeful Solution: Join Our Lady to Watch the Church Die and Resurrect

Mary at the Cross.

Finally, we must prepare ourselves to take the most serious look at the pledge we’ve made to Our Blessed Mother as her consecrated slaves. Those who’ve done so through St. Louis de Montfort’s formula should know what that entails, especially if these are the final or near-final times.

What does it mean to take Our Lady’s path toward salvation, as we must do as her slaves and devotees? Well, what did Mary do?

Our Blessed Mother . . . watched God die. She witnessed the most horrific event in universal history. So, what then, will it be like for us, if we consecrate ourselves to her, and participate in her vocation?

We will have to watch the Church die.

“But, but, that means the Gates of Hell will prevail??”

No, it doesn’t. Did the demons win when Our Lord died on the Cross?

The Church, like Our Lord, will resurrect, and when it does, there won’t be guitar benedictions, Extraordinary Eucharistic Monsters, antipopes, pederast clergy, around to see it (unless they repent). In the meantime, we better have the guts to do this. Nobody said that consecrating ourselves to Our Lady would be a stroll through a flowery meadow or some wine-sipping excursion (pun intended).

We must watch the Church die . . . and resurrect.

Until that happens, we must perform these tasks with extreme diligence:

Pray the Rosary (15 Decades) Every Day

Remember when she said that’s all we’d have left? The arrival of fake consecration wine puts an entirely new take on the message from Our Lady of Akita. Soon (maybe very soon), we may be left with only the Rosary and Her Son’s sign.

Pray the Roman Breviary (Canonical Hours)

This gives you the next best thing to Holy Mass. Pray the old version, in Latin, and say it out loud. Here’s where you can do it from your phone.

Attend the Traditional Latin Mass

. . . if you can still find one.

Learn the Faith

Ignore everything you’ve heard since the 1960s.

Ignore the “you’re in schism” talking heads (i.e., Church Military)

Deus Vult!

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