Diocese of Raleigh: Bishop Zarama’s Habitation for Dragons

Dragons torch everything.

The Diocese of Raleigh is a spiritual dumpster fire, hemorrhaging Catholic tradition and priestly vocations thanks to Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama, a footsoldier for the Bergoglian antichurch.

“That’s not nice. That’s not charitable. You’re a racist.”

Hush your mouth, junior. Gaslighting doesn’t work in a Zombie-free zone.

What is a habitation for dragons?

According to the Prophet Jeremiah, God punished Israel (for ignoring and dishonoring Him) by leaving them in the hands of the tyrant Nebuchadnezzar, and their cities in ruins.

And Asor shall be a habitation for dragons, desolate for ever: no man shall abide there, nor son of man inhabit it.”

Some biblical translations call it a “haunt of jackals.” It refers to the dreaded Babylonian exile, when God banished the Hebrews to a foreign dictator for their lack of faith. Many of the world’s Catholic communities find themselves in similar dire straits, under the thumbs of so many diocesan Nebuchadnezzars.

Why the Diocese of Raleigh is a Habitation for Dragons

Bishop Luis Rafael Zarama (Raleigh).
Luis Rafael Zarama, Bishop of Raleigh

The Diocese of Raleigh is a habitation for dragons because its local ordinary is trying to supplant real Catholicism with modern social-work “catholicism.” In short, Bishop Zarama obediently implements Antipope Jorge Bergoglio’s agenda to eliminate the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass in favor of freemasonic modern worship.

We’ve experienced this most sorrowfully as Zarama became the latest American bishop to eliminate a thriving TLM (Traditional Latin Mass) community, sending its priests on an unrequested sabbatical. Lacking the courage to abolish the traditional Mass forthrightly, he instead employed a backdoor strategy to stamp it out with a soft cancellation of the clergy.

Bishop Zarama – Canceling Traditional Priests Per Antipope Bergoglio

Bishop Zarama shut down the Raleigh Diocese’s largest TLM-NO hybrid parish by sending Fr. Tim Meares (pastor), and Fr. Paul Parkerson (diocesan TLM delegate) to . . . well . . . nowhere . . . for a year.

Instead of offering the Mass of the Ages for hundreds of Eastern North Carolinians, they’re now on house arrest with a small religious community. The sequestering of Frs. Meares and Parkerson were not incidental, but deliberate. You can learn more of the details from this Lifesite news article.

How did Bishop Zarama (working for Pope St. Merciful The First & Last) announce this?

He did so, not by visiting or speaking to any parishioners, but by sending a cold “memo” explaining how the priests were leaving for sabbatical. Imagine getting a slightly more elaborate “I’m dumping you” message from a girlfriend/boyfriend via text message. That’s what Raleigh’s TLM faithful got from their bishop (probably not written by him, either).

This move would eliminate any possibility for a traditional Mass for several reasons:

  1. Frs. Meares and Parkerson were two of only three diocesan priests even allowed to offer it in the Raleigh area.
  2. The new pastor, Fr. Nick Cottrill, cannot use one of his hands, making several aspects of the TLM virtually impossible.
  3. Fr. Cottrill doesn’t know (and is probably unwilling to learn) how to offer the TLM. Even if he wanted to learn, the bishop has forbidden any other priests to do so. 

So, unless you’re hopelessly gullible, you can see that this “sabbatical” move was just a shadow cancellation of the TLM, at the behest of the Vicar of Doom.

Dear TLM Folks in Raleigh Diocese: Beware the Antichurch & Antipope

As usual, I recommend my fellow Raleigh Catholics to research and reflect on this antipope (and antichurch) problem. Once you do, the cancellations will make sense. Clarity has always been a dependable way of halting melancholy and frustration.

These first two pictures show the Our Lady of Perpetual Help (OLPH) parish, as it was, whereas the third features a “special addition,” courtesy of the modern antichurch.

OLPH Parish in Rocky Mount.
Behold the beautiful sanctuary with its high altar, tabernacle, communion rails, and icon of OLPH.
OLPH High Altar (Before).
All Photos Courtesy of Generous Parishioners from OLPH.
Two altars at OLPH (after).
New OLPH Sanctuary with TWO ALTARS – One signifying the true Church; the other signifying the “new church,” otherwise known as the “table of plenty.”

How did we arrive at this plight?

Here’s a quick sketch of how the bishop has implemented Traditionis Custodes in the Diocese of Raleigh:

  • Parishes can only offer the traditional Mass at 1 p.m. or later on Sunday, and no more than twice each week on non-Sundays.
  • Mass readings (Gospel and Epistle) must come from the New American Bible (NAB), a modernist adaptation with “gender-inclusive” wording and other progressive irritations. Raleigh was one of the few dioceses to implement this Traditionis Custodes provision.
  • Upon ordination to the priesthood, Fr. Tyler Sparrow offered a sung TLM at the diocesan cathedral . . . before being barred from doing so ever again.
  • Fr. Ian Van Heusen, who had learned the TLM just months earlier, offered it less than 10 times, before being barred from doing so as well.
  • Fr. Van Heusen has also attempted to add reverence to the Novus Ordo Mass. However, this too was forbidden. Bishop Zarama stopped him from offering the Mass Ad Orientem (facing God to the east).
  • June 27, 2023 was the final TLM at OLPH (Rocky Mount, NC), marking the new “exile” of Frs. Meares and Parkerson. The next day, the new pastor, Fr. Cottrill, already installed the superfluous extra table for the new Mass (see above photo). Several statues and reliquaries had to be moved to the back corner of the nave as well for unknown reasons.

Each of these decisions came from Bishop Zarama or someone from his staff on his behalf. They were unilateral, with little or no consultation with the relevant clergy. If only today’s modern hierarchy would be so swift and assertive against clown Masses, wrong wine for consecration, homoerotic liturgical dance, drag queen sermons, etc. 

Raleigh Diocese – Not the Only Habitation for Dragons

Of course, the Diocese of Raleigh isn’t the only place this happens. The Diocese of Madison (with an ostensibly “conservative” bishop) has taken similar measures. Two years ago, Madison Bishop Donald Hying sent Fr. John Zuhlsdorf packing for dubious political reasons. This was after he and Fr. Richard Heilman built a thriving parish, St. Mary of Pine Bluff, through liturgical reform along with consistent and authentic preaching of the Gospel.

Just this past week, Fr. Heilman, a “controversial priest” was forced to leave for a smaller assignment, much to the lament of his beloved parishioners. 

Finally, as the modernist church managers frantically transfer priests all over their dioceses (or banish/institutionalize them), let’s consider the relationship between a priest and his parish. It was traditionally viewed as a nuptial relationship; with the priest wed to his parish (or bishop to his diocese).

This once beautiful and fruitful bond has given way to brutal parochial upheavals. Priests now receive “assignments” to new “positions” rather than as priestly bridegrooms to their parishes. It further cements their status as “administrators” and “managers” rather than shepherds, called to a life of sacrifice for love of their parish bride.

What if they did all that transfer business to St. Jean Vianney?

Would he have been the Cure d’ Belley-Ars (his diocese) rather than the Cure d’ Ars?

Bishop Zarama – Episcopal Grandson of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin

Bishop Zarama, as some of you may know, is the episcopal grandson of Cardinal Joseph Bernardin. That’s because Bernardin consecrated Wilton Gregory, and Gregory made Zarama a bishop. Therefore, Zarama’s a branch of that same rotten ecclesiastical family tree of bishops going back to the guy who enthroned America to Lucifer.

This is one of many reasons I don’t subscribe to the “write a letter and plead your case to the bishop” strategy. Whenever you have adversaries like these, it does little good to beseech them for mercy. It can, however, make things much worse since these are the folks who prey upon perceived weaknesses.

After all, what would you say if you had the chance to write to Cardinal Bernardin back in the day? “Hey, could you, uh, you know, not consecrate the country to Lucifer, or do all that queer stuff?”

Bishop Zarama – Lip Service to Hispanohablantes

Do Hispanic Lives Matter?

Bishop Zarama replaced Fr. Meares, the Spanish-fluent pastor at OLPH, with somebody who barely speaks the language (Fr. Cottrill). So much for pastoral care for Hispanics, one of Zarama’s alleged objectives as bishop. Apparently, the cultivation of Hispanic Catholicism only works if it includes Liberation Theology, baptizing nobody, and soft, saccharine, useless, and usually leftist preaching.

The Hispanic community was arguably the most devastated by the loss of Fr. Meares. In him, they had a dedicated pastor who would preach in both languages, lead multiple novenas with English/Spanish parishioners, and even hear confessions the morning after his mother died.

Now, that parish has a priest who probably doesn’t want to be there since half of his would-be parishioners (and parish staff) left. Thus are the immediate fruits of the new “two altar” regime at OLPH.

Raleigh: Large Cathedral – Few Ordinations

Despite inheriting one of America’s largest and newest cathedrals, the Raleigh Diocese rarely ordains new clergy. 

How many priests did this powerhouse jurisdiction (with about 500,000 Catholics) ordain in 2023?

ZERO! Goose Egg!

A big goose egg.
Raleigh priestly vocations . . .

They ordained just one seminarian to the diaconate, and have only a dwindling dozen others in formation (per the diocesan website). Even just a few years ago, there were roughly double as many seminarians (most of whom regarded priests, like Frs. Meares and Parkerson as having influenced their discernment). Today, they can’t flee their modernist formators fast enough.

Meanwhile, anyone else with a vocation to Christ’s holy priesthood has escaped to other dioceses or priestly institutes (FSSP, ICK, etc.). Perhaps today’s young men are taking a “preemptive sabbatical” of their own.

The nearby Diocese of Charlotte has struggled, too, but with conservative Bishop Peter Jugis’ leadership, are heading in a better direction. Charlotte opened its own seminary just three years ago, and it already has 25 seminarians in formation.

The Diocese of Raleigh, insofar as its Ordinary wages war against tradition, will have to import priests from overseas pedophile pipelines other countries. I’ve heard folks say that “if your parish isn’t crying, it’s dying.” That normally refers to babies at Mass, but now, you better start crying because Raleigh is on life support.

There is Hope! Our Enemies are Squirming!

All of this may lead Catholics in Raleigh (and elsewhere) to despair.

Nolite timere! Fear not!

Every time we suffer cancellation, we unite ourselves to Christ crucified, who told us it would be this way if we were faithful to Him.

Whose side would you want to be on right now?

The battle lines are as clear as ever. On one side, the belligerents are Antipope Bergoglio, his little buddy Jimmy (Martin), “cardinal” Mcelroy, the “kissy” bishop, Bishop Zarama, and . . . the Sisters of Perpetual Incontinence. Before you accuse me of libel for including the Sisters among them, ask yourself whether those men have done anything to disavow them.

Then there’s us who must vacate the habitation for dragons and head for the proverbial, liturgical mountains. Some of us will find refuge in SSPX Masses, at least until Bishop Zarama sets down his coloring books and notices he’ll have to cancel them, too.

Others will head to neighboring jurisdictions. None of us should lose faith.

What a blessing it is to be among the same ranks as Bishop Joseph Strickland, a courageous bishop, and someone humble enough to admit mistakes. Let’s do likewise and enjoy our cancellation as we witness the predictable behavior of dying regimes (including the death of the evil Vatican 2 spirit).

In the meantime, I have some suggestions for coping with hard times . . . 

Ways to Counter the Antichurch Assault

  • Attend SSPX Masses and other TLMs while they still exist.
  • Pray the Rosary every day (especially the sorrowful mysteries).
  • Offer prayers and penances for Bishop Zarama and the clergy.
  • Offer whatever support possible (prayer, financial, encouraging words) to the good priests like Frs. Meares, Parkerson, and many others.
  • Meditate on Psalm 118, especially this verse: “I have understood more than all my teachers: because thy testimonies are my meditation.”
  • Don’t “just do what you’re told.” You are not a zombie. You are created in the image and likeness of God, called to unite your will to His, not that of the antichurch. Listen to the Blessed Mother and do what He tells you.
Jesus turns water to wine.


  1. Natsuki Jitou says:

    There’s always still Holy Redeemer SSPX in Youngsville. I wish I had more options than the many near Raleigh. We just have the FBI-monitored SSPX many miles away from my location.


    1. Chris Munier says:

      The issue will be capacity more than anything. SSPX visits Youngsville and Goldsboro to help faithful Catholics, but both sites are much tinier than OLPH. There’s also a parish in Dunn, NC, which offers the only remaining diocesan TLM, but again, it’s not going to fit more than a hundred or so parishioners. All of these options (combined) will have a difficult time accommodating the cancel-driven diaspora from OLPH. Either way, I’m happy to cram into a window sill or the aisle to hear Mass if that’s what it takes.


  2. Joshua says:

    I met Fr Meares under unusual conditions: I was an inmate at Nash Correctional Institution, located not terribly far from Fr Tim’s parish of OLPH. He was allowed to visit the prison twice a month for mass and confessions. The prison was very strict about time limits — Fr Tim had exactly one hour to hear confessions, set up for mass, say mass, break everything down, and leave. Unfortunately, the time constraints prevented him from ever saying the TLM there. I just want to say that he was my priest for the final six years of my sentence (I was released in 2014), and he was truly magnificent. Very gentle and understanding as a confessor, yet very serious about the need for repentance. His liturgies were reverent and beautiful. We had numerous conversions there, and Fr Tim was no doubt a major reason why. The bishop’s treatment of him is absolutely shameful. I hope everyone will pray that Fr Tim finds a a bishop or community that values his many gifts.


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